What: Toronto Free-Net, board of directors meeting. When: Wednesday, 19/Nov/2014, 21:05 - 21:50. Where: TFN office, 600 Bay St Suite 406. Minute taker: Boyd with assist from Iain. Status: approved on Dec. 17, 2014. Attendance: 6 board members: cq585 Lee MacNeill cx555 Boyd Ramsay dl927 Mike Kaulbach dn097 Iain Calder dn922 Mike Dohme do645 Adam Holland No other TFN members. Minutes: * Motion to approve minutes of board, Oct. 15, 2014. M/S: Lee/MikeK Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Motion carried. * President's report given and discussed. * Motion to postpone the 2014 AGM. Resolved, That Toronto Free-Net postpone, to Wed 18/Feb/2015, the AGM previously scheduled for 19/Nov/2014; and Resolved, That Toronto Free-Net seek meeting space for this AGM, at the same location as the 2013 AGM. M/S: Iain/Lee Aye: 6 Nay: 0 Motion carried. * Motion to transfer signing authority. Whereas, Claude Latrémouille, who was a signing officer of Toronto Free-net, died on September 25th, 2014; and Whereas, that left the corporation with only two signing officers, namely Boyd Ramsay and Iain Calder; Resolved, That Adam Holland be appointed a signing officer of Toronto Free-Net, effective immediately. M/S: Iain/Boyd Aye: 6 Nay: 0 Motion carried. * Motion to create the ARF and ER committees. Whereas, TFN operations lack the human resources to fully pursue the work described in the appended charters; and Whereas, a committee is a more appropriate environment to pursue this work and to control its direction; and Whereas, this work is perpetual; Resolved, That the "ARF" and "ER" standing committees be created and given the charters appended herewith; and Resolved, That each committee commence meeting formally upon reaching a count of 5 participants excluding the initial acting chair; and Resolved, That TFN's president be acting chair of the ARF committee until a competent chairperson is found to replace the president; and Resolved, That Lee MacNeill, be appointed to direct the ER committee; and Resolved, That Lee MacNeill, while he remains a director of TFN, be acting chair of the ER committee until a competent chairperson is found to replace him; and Resolved, That the initial chair of the ER committee may recruit the committee's initial members by fiat; and Resolved, That each of these two committees immediately receive ownership and assume maintenance of the TFN resources that fall under its charter; and Resolved, That each committee immediately take over the ongoing work, continuing it informally, to the best of its initial members' abilities. Charter for ARF (Access to Regulated Facilities) committee: Work on issues concerning TFN's access, especially where government regulations apply, to existing public and private physical infrastructure, which TFN doesn't own but on which TFN currently depends or which TFN will need in the future. Eg: last-mile telephone cabling, which is owned by Bell Canada and regulated by the CRTC. This committee reports to and receives its assignments from TFN's president. Meetings are held at the TFN office. Members of this committee must be TFN members. To join this committee, one applies to the committee's chair who, advised by TFN operations, selects candidates. Meetings follow Robert's Rules of Order. Quorum is 5 registered committee members. Meeting notice is 11 days. The committee may determine, from time to time, a fixed schedule for recurring meetings. In that case, a single notice suffices for all subsequent meetings that follow it. Membership in this committee is automatically forfeited at the adjournment of the fourth consecutive meeting from which the member has been absent without being excused by a motion of the committee. Charter for ER (Electronic Risks) committee: Work on matters concerning citizen rights, legal obligations, and risks that are affected by or that arise in computers, telecommunication networks, and broadcast media. Study effects and trends at the intersection of society and technology. Study relevant legislation. Monitor activity by government, corporations, criminals, and other actors. Develop TFN's analysis concerning these matters, for the betterment of the community. Develop resources to further TFN's mission of preparing the community to function effectively in an information society. This committee reports to and receives its assignments from TFN's board of directors. When possible, the board delegates this authority to an individual director. To join this committee, an applicant must be accepted via a motion passed, by a meeting of the committee, by simple majority. Meetings follow Robert's Rules of Order. Quorum is 5 registered committee members. Meeting notice is 11 days. The committee may determine, from time to time, a fixed schedule for recurring meetings. In that case, a single notice suffices for all subsequent meetings that follow it. Membership in this committee is automatically forfeited at the adjournment of the fourth consecutive meeting from which the member has been absent without being excused by a motion of the committee. M/S: Iain/MikeK Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Motion carried. * Motion to adjourn. M/S: Lee/MikeK Aye: 6 Nay: 0 Motion carried. Boyd Ramsay Secretary